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Should I get a home inspection before I buy?

Yes! And you should use a certified, accredited home inspector (not Uncle Bob).
Certified home inspectors have received the appropriate training to perform a thorough home inspection. You should receive a comprehensive report with photos detailing/outlining any issues. The amount you pay your home inspector is money well spent. This is, after all, the largest investment you will ever make!

What kind of credit score do I have to have to purchase a property?

Normally a credit score of 620 or higher is what most Lenders require. However, be sure to speak to your Lender about any special programs they may offer for lower credit scores. Or, be sure to ask them how to improve your credit score. They can provide great guidance in this area.

Who pays the Realtor’s commissions when I purchase a property?

Customarily Seller’s are responsible for paying the Realtor’s commissions. However, every transaction can be different, so pay attention to the disclosures and be sure to understand that answer before looking at any property.

Should I spend money on my property (for upgrades or remodeling) so that I can get more money when I sell it?

You should definitely prepare your home before you put it on the market. This may include spending money on needed repairs or maintenance. A Buyer is going to get a home inspection done before purchasing, so you will want to address any known issues before placing it on the market. Also, updating/remodeling your property is always a good idea if it is “stuck in time”. However, you will not get 100% (dollar for dollar) back. The most important areas that tend to sell homes are kitchens, bathrooms & outdoor living space. Also know, you will most likely only see 50% – 75% ROI. However, if you update, your property will most likely appeal to a much larger pool of Buyers, which increases the likelihood you will sell faster and for perhaps higher than “average” or for more than another property that is not updated.

Should I get pre-qualified before beginning my home search?

Yes! You will want to include your Pre-Approval Letter along with your Offer so that the Seller (s) know you are series and have taken the appropriate measures to get pre-approved with an accredited lender!

Will my property taxes be the same as the current property owner?

Your taxes may vary. There are certain variables that could impact your property taxes such as your age or whether or not you are claiming Homestead Excemption, etc.

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